Rufus Bird
St. James's Palace: From Leper Hospital to Royal Court
Wednesday, January 22,2025 at 3 p.m.
$20 No charge for Four Arts members
Book signing to follow
In his book, St. James's Palace: From Leper Hospital to Royal Court, Rufus Bird expores the history of this lesser-known royal residence. Rufus Bird, former Surveyor of the Queen's Works of Art, and current consultant at Gurr Johns, brings to life the palace's transformation and historical significance.
Wednesday, January 22,2025 at 3 p.m.
$20 No charge for Four Arts members
Book signing to follow
In his book, St. James's Palace: From Leper Hospital to Royal Court, Rufus Bird expores the history of this lesser-known royal residence. Rufus Bird, former Surveyor of the Queen's Works of Art, and current consultant at Gurr Johns, brings to life the palace's transformation and historical significance.